Bridging HCI and Implementation Science

Bridging HCI and Implementation Science for Innovation Adoption and Public Health Impact

A Workshop at CHI 2023
TBD – Pre-Conference Virtual Session
23 April – Hamburg, Germany

Human computer interaction (HCI) and implementation science (IS) each have been applied to improve the adoption and delivery of innovative health interventions, and the two fields have complementary goals, foci, and methods. While the IS community increasingly draws on methods from HCI, there are many unrealized opportunities for HCI to draw from IS and to catalyze bidirectional collaborations. This workshop will explore similarities and differences between fields, with a goal of articulating a research agenda at their intersection.

Human computer interaction (HCI) and implementation science (IS) each have been applied to improve the delivery and adoption of innovative health interventions. This workshop will explore similarities and differences between fields, with a goal of articulating a research agenda at their intersection.

Read the full workshop proposal.

Call for participation

We invite position papers on based on one of two prompts, designed to evoke opportunities for collaboration between HCI and IS to address health service impact:

  1. Share a case study that encountered substantial barriers to scale up or barriers to scale out (i.e., translating to another setting) for an innovation, including attempts to address these barriers and outcomes. Case studies of success, failures, or a combination are welcome, as well as cases based on ongoing work.
  2. Share a critical reflection on how one’s current work or research interests relate to the intersection of HCI and IS and what you think this will contribute to the discussion.

Position papers should be written in language approachable to researchers and practitioners working across fields and follow guidelines for accessible PDFs. No particular format is required. Maximum length is 1,000 words.

Selected participants will be a diverse group including faculty, graduate students, practitioners, researchers from multiple relevant fields, and those who have done substantial work in the field alongside those interested in becoming involved but who have not yet made a significant contribution.

For each selected position paper, at least one author must participate in 1. a remote workshop conducted in advance (date to be determined) and/or 2. an in-person workshop day at CHI in Hamburg and must register for at least one day of the conference. 

Priority deadline: 3 February 2023
Notification date: 15 February (for position papers submitted by 3 February, rolling basis for position papers submitted later.)

Submit position papers and author information using this link.


  • Aaron Lyon, PhD – Professor, University of Washington. Improving the accessibility and effectiveness of community-based health services, redesigning mental health interventions (e.g., psychotherapies) to improve their adoption potential, and developing implementation strategies to support innovation adoption and use.
  • Sean Munson, PhD – Associate Professor, University of Washington. Bridging IS with HCI and HCD to design and evaluate health interventions, with a focus on supporting collaboration.
  • Madhu Reddy, PhD – Professor, UC Irvine. Designing and using health information technologies in clinical settings to enhance clinical collaboration. Understanding and addressing organizational and design challenges related to digital health applications.
  • Stephen Schueller, PhD – Associate Professor, UC Irvine. Improving mental health services by expanding access and improving accessibility. Development, evaluation, and implementation of digital mental health products in diverse settings and populations.
  • Elena Agapie, PhD – Assistant Professor, UC Irvine. She studies and designs technologies that draw on health evidence-based interventions. Her research also identifies challenges and opportunities for collaboration at the intersection of HCI and Health.
  • Lana Yarosh, PhD – Associate Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Minnesota. Lana has designed and deployed computational interventions for mental health and substance use disorders. Her work identifies IS as an important future direction to advance the potential positive impact of computing in health.
  • Alex Dopp, PhD – Behavioral/Social Scientist, RAND Corporation. An implementation scientist and child clinical psychologist, he studies the use of research evidence, and related policy implications, for improving youth mental health and substance use services. His research is grounded in an interdisciplinary team science approach. 
  • Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz, PhD – Professor in Psychology, Mälardalen University and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. Studies the design, implementation and evaluation of changes taking place in the workplace, including both evidence-based interventions and technical innovations, from a working life perspective.
  • Gavin Doherty, D.Phil. – Associate Professor, School of Computer Science & Statistics, Trinity College Dublin. Design of technologies for healthcare. Developing systems to increase access, increase engagement, and improve the outcomes of mental health interventions.
  • Andrea Graham, PhD – Assistant Professor, Northwestern University. Designing, optimizing, and implementing digital health interventions. Understanding the costs of treatment that impact adoption of interventions in practice.
  • Kaylee Kruzan, PhD, LSW – Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University. Leveraging ubiquitous technologies to design theory-informed, accessible, and scalable digital mental health interventions to improve health outcomes for young people who are under-represented in traditional treatment settings.
  • Rachel Kornfeld, PhD – Research Assistant Professor, Northwestern University. Supportive communication within digital mental health interventions, including communication with peers, mental health professionals, and automated messaging systems.


This work is supported by the US National Institute of Mental Health (grants P50MH115837 and P50MH119029). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.