
Metrics for Perceptual Implementation Outcomes

Acceptability of Intervention Measure (AIM)
To be taken by Clinicians (end users) to measure how receptive they are to adopting the new intervention.

Feasibility of Intervention Measure (FIM)
To be taken by Clinicians (end users) to measure how possible and likely they are adopt the new intervention.

Intervention Appropriateness Measure (IAM)
To be taken by Clinicians (end users) to measure how suitable the intervention is for the circumstances.

Each of these measures contain 4 questions, and can all be found here.

Metrics for Patient-Reported Outcomes

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
Taken by patients to measure the severity of symptoms of specific disorders/challenges.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7)
Taken by patients to measure the severity of symptoms of specific disorders/challenges.

Metrics for Usability

System Usability Scale (SUS)
This measures how easy the intervention/system is to use and learn. Used for digital interventions (e.g. apps or computer programs).

Intervention Usability Scale (IUS)
This measures how easy the intervention/system is to use and learn. Used for interventions (e.g. therapeutic modalities).

Implementation Strategy Usability Scale
This measures how easy the intervention/system is to use and learn. Used for system-level interventions.

User Burden Scale
This measures the mental/emotional/economic challenges of using a digital tool as part of an intervention and is completed by anyone directly interacting with the tool.

Heuristic Evaluation Rubric for EBPI’s (HERE)
This multi-faceted evaluation of efficiency/quality/usability of EBPI’s involves experts in both design and the relevant subject matter (at least 2 people) filling out the rubric independently and the comparing answers and negotiating a final score together.


ARC Interview
An introduction to asynchronous remote communities (ARC).

Visual Tools – Online Collaboration
Learn how online platforms and tools can facilitate team collaboration.

Introduction to the Discover, Design, Build, and Test (DDBT) Framework
A walkthrough of ALACRITY’s design process.

User Research: Contextual Inquiries
Learn about using contextual inquiries in your research.


Tools and Tips for Facilitating User Research
Emily Friedman, MID, CPE presented on April 7, 2020

How To Do Longitudinal Remote (Mobile) Clinical Research
Dr. Pat Arean and Dr. Abhi Pratap presented on April 30, 2020.


These 6 short videos give an overview of how to submit successful concept papers and research proposals focused on behavioral interventions and implementation strategies to NIH (particularly NIMH).

1- The Proposals Journey 

2- Funding Announcement and Concept Paper

3- Writing Plan 

4- Who are the Reviewers 

5- How Proposals Get Reviewed

6- Response and Resubmission

Grant Recipient Information

R03 Budget Template
This is a budget template that can be used and modified to fit the needs of each research project.

Supplement Request Form
Follow the link to find instructions and the form for additional supplement requests.

Publication and Presentation Policies and Procedures
All R03 and R34 projects affiliated with UWAC should include the following language in publications, presentations, and so forth funded by our Center.

What Can Your Center Do For You
Check out what we can help with. We offer an array of support unique to our interdisciplinary team.

Communicating Usability Issues
This guide for all R03 and R34 projects is a how-to for communicating usability issues to the ALACRITY Center.

Anti-Racist Materials

Anti-Racist Guide
With this living document you can find a variety of resources to explore practical ways to understand, explain, and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity, white supremacy, police violence, and injustice. 

Ways You Can Help
This site provides ideas for how to help ensure that the message and efforts don’t stop once they are no longer “trending” on Twitter. Sign petitions, Sign up to vote or bring awareness through twitter hashtags for BLM through these resources.

Talking About Race and Racism
Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History & Culture provide tools and guidance for talking about race & racism in a variety of contexts.

Confronting Racism in Communities – Racial Equity Tools
This is an Australian resource modeling how we can confront racism in communities with guidelines for Anti-Racism training workshops.

Science’s Role in Reducing US Racial Tensions
This article published was published in 2017 in AAAS’ Issues in Science and Technology. It brings up important points of how we can use science and scientific expertise to quell racial tensions.

The Social Determinants Of Death
This article dives into health care and health policy and how it plays a role in the daily premature death and disability of people of color.

The National SEED Program
Looking for ways to start conversations and change toward social justice in schools, communities, and organizations? SEED (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) equips participants to connect their lives to one another and to society at large by acknowledging systems of power, oppression, and privilege.